
Buying a Home: Why You Need a Real Estate Attorney

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Buying a Home: Why You Need a Real Estate Attorney

When I bought my first home, I basically signed whatever was placed in front of me. The idea of becoming a homeowner overshadowed any concerns that I might have. Besides, the agent seemed to know just what needed to be done. It was only later that I learned there was some confusion about the location of the property lines. Two years and several thousand dollars later, I finally got things straightened out. When I bought my second home, you can bet that I had a real estate attorney by my side. Everything was checked and double-checked before I signed anything If you are thinking about buying a home, take nothing for granted. Let me tell you more about my experience and why you need your own legal counsel. In the long run, you'll save a lot of time and trouble.

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Tips for Assessing Heating Systems When You're House Hunting

When you are looking for just the right house to buy, it is easy to get carried away. You may see a house and be barely able to contain yourself because of the excitement you feel when you walk in the door. However, it's important to refrain from showing a home seller exactly how interested you are in the home before you speak to your own real estate agent about the best way to proceed.

You need to also carefully look at the inner workings of a home. One of the things that may end up being a deal-breaker with a house is its heating system. Sure, a heating system can be replaced if you adore a house, but that should not be something you are worrying about as you start a life in your new home. Here are two tips for assessing the heating system of a house you like.

Prepare Questions to Ask About the Heating System

Although the home seller and real estate agent is likely to give you a lot of interesting information about the house, they may not touch upon the things that are most important to you. Prepare questions to ask them, including specific questions about the heating system. The questions you may choose to ask them include.

  • How old is the heating system?
  • Do you have utility bill statements that can be assessed?
  • Have you had any major problems with the system?
  • Are there any things serious home buyers should know about the heater?

Pay close attention to the answers to these questions. They can give you valuable clues regarding whether you should consider buying the home.

Look at the Heater Carefully for Signs of Trouble

You can see a lot of potential problems pop up quickly if you look closely at the heater and know what you are looking for. Look for signs of the following problems.

  • Moisture – The heater should not accumulate a lot of obvious moisture on its exterior unless there are special circumstances.
  • Corrosion – It's a bad sign if you notice a sort of powdery crust or lumps on the heater's pipe connections. Be sure to look for signs of corrosion.
  • Cracks – If you notice cracks in the heater system, proceed only with extreme caution. That can be a sign of irreparable damage to the heater.

Look for signs of moisture, corrosion, or cracks both on or around the heater. If you notice any, you may want to address the issue directly with the home seller or their real estate agent.

Finally, keep in mind that you should never seriously consider a home until you have weighed many practical matters concerning the quality and current condition of the house that interests you. If in doubt, speak to your real estate agent about questions and concerns you have about the heating systems in the homes that you're considering.