
Buying a Home: Why You Need a Real Estate Attorney

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Buying a Home: Why You Need a Real Estate Attorney

When I bought my first home, I basically signed whatever was placed in front of me. The idea of becoming a homeowner overshadowed any concerns that I might have. Besides, the agent seemed to know just what needed to be done. It was only later that I learned there was some confusion about the location of the property lines. Two years and several thousand dollars later, I finally got things straightened out. When I bought my second home, you can bet that I had a real estate attorney by my side. Everything was checked and double-checked before I signed anything If you are thinking about buying a home, take nothing for granted. Let me tell you more about my experience and why you need your own legal counsel. In the long run, you'll save a lot of time and trouble.

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4 Things That Turn A Regular Single-Family Home Into A Luxury Home

When it comes to looking at housing options, it is important to understand the differences between a regular single-family home and a luxury single-family home. You will pay more for a luxury home; however, that is not the only feature that defines this type of housing option.

Thing #1: Location

A high-end luxury home is located in an area that is in high demand for the area where you live. The exact location may vary based on where you live, but a high-end location is one that offers something special, be it a view of the city or a house that is right along the waterfront. A house that is situated in a special, desirable location in your city may be a luxury property, especially if it fits the other criteria listed below. 

Thing #2: Price

Price is one of the factors that define a luxury home. Usually, a luxury home is listed within the top ten percent of the market for your area. Luxury homes tend to be some of the most expensive homes in a given area. The exact price of a luxury home will depend upon the market you are in, as housing prices can vary greatly from one city to the next. 

Thing #3: Square Footage

Generally, luxury homes are larger homes. Luxury homes generally have lots of square footage and extra space in the home. Often, luxury homes have special extra rooms. For example, they may have additional bedrooms or office space, or a workout room. Luxury rooms generally have special rooms that allow you to get more done within your home. Additionally, rooms generally tend to be larger in a luxury home; large open rooms tend to dominate luxury homes.

Thing #4: High-End Material

Finally, a luxury home tends to include the use of high-end material. For example, you may find Italian marble countertops or top-of-the-line stainless steel appliances in a luxury home. You are going to find higher-end material both inside and outside of the home. You shouldn't have to upgrade the home's material — it should already be top of the line.

A luxury single-family home is going to be located in a prime location, with a top price, lots of square footage, and high-end materials. A luxury home is one that should look and feel special and provide you with all the space you need. A luxury family home should take care of all your needs and make you feel special.